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A very easy space saving option, cordon fruit trees consist of just one main stem with 2-3″laterals carrying the fruit and flowers. Traditionally grown at a 45 degree angle,they are these days more often grown vertically, but you can still plant them at an angle if you wish.
Space cordon apples and pears 2.5-3′ apart. They can be grown against a fence or wall,or along posts and wires, or in the open and staked individually with a ‘standard rose’type stake, or even a stout bamboo cane. They will reach between 6-8’ in height.They do well on all soils except the light and sandy which should have plenty oforganic matter incorporated to add body, and the trees mulched thereafter.

All varieties of Apple and Pear are available as cordons. You can access our cordon trees by first selecting a variety then scrollingdown the drop down menu that accompanies it until you reach the cordon option.