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Here at Chris Bowers, we have a fantastic range of top quality high yielding UK grown strawberry plants types and runners for sale, which you can buy with over 50 different types of strawberry plants for domestic gardens. Our quality strawberry plants have been the choice of experts for over 30 years.

View our strawberry buyers guide for more strawberry plant information

For garden planting, plant 15″ apart in the row with 3-4′ between rows. Most varieties can be planted in pots, containers, windowboxes, even hanging baskets as well. They will yield well for 3 years and usually start to decline after that, most professionalls will re plant every 4 years or so.

Strawberries will be sent out now in pots as they establish better than from an Autumn planting. You will then get a full crop next summer.

Growth & Uses

Other Characteristics

Season of Cropping



Showing 1–20 of 54 results

  • A New British Strawberry – In The Old Fashioned Style -norfolk Nectar


    Raised and introduced by Chris Bowers & Sons. Norfolk Nectar is the first release from our own breeding programme tailored for you the home gardener, with flavour top amongst its priorities. Norfolk Nectar is a cross between our two most flavoursome strawberries, Chapelaine (our top seller of the last 10 years), and the grand old favourite Royal Sovereign. Norfolk Nectar has inherited Chapelaines enviable growth characteristics, forming a compact, neat, well foliated plant with noticeably large blossoms which emerge over a long period. This means that during late frost seasons, Norfolk Nectar will still produce a crop where others may…

  • Alice Strawberry Plants


    A new outstanding early strawberry! Bred by HRI East Malling, the home of so many of England’s finest Strawberries. Alice has produced exceptional trial results and has been eagerly anticipated indeed. Cropping a week or more before Elsanta, the very regular conical berries have high percentage of Class 1 fruits and a most attractive shiny bright orange red skin. Everyone comments on the extremely sweet and juicy flavour and the bright attractive skin. Disease resistance is better than with the older earlies. Alice is a new variety sure to please with some very impressive qualities. Early ordering advised.

  • Allstar Strawberry Plants


    Allstar plants are medium to large, vigorous, runner freely, and form a dense matted row. Fruit is mild and sweet in flavor, and can be very large. Fruit is symmetrical and shapely. An introduction from 1981, named apparently for it’s ‘Allstar’ performance. Ripens early June.

  • Aromel Strawberry Plants


    A really superb flavour and crops twice a year. The fruit is medium red, of good size and appearance and the flavour exceptional. It makes a medium to large plant and the fruit is well displayed. Aromel is an English variety raised by Mr R. Cumberland and was extensively tested at the Ministry of Agriculture Experimental Stations where it cropped well both outdoors and under tunnels, Its first crop is second early and heavier than that of other autumn fruiters. The later cropping period is August until the first frosts and to obtain a maximum autumn crop, remove the flowers…

  • Bolero Strawberry Plants


    A new everbearing variety from HRI East Malling which has a higher percentage of class 1 fruits and better fruit quality than older cultivars of this class. Bolero commences fruiting from mid-August, continuing through to the first frosts. Reports of an astonishing 90% class 1 fruits have been reported and the quality/fruit size does not deteriorate during hot weather. the plants have shown some resistance to Verticlluim Wilt, Crown Rot and mildew. The plants are vigorous and a slightly wider planting distance than normal is recommended.

  • Brenda Strawberry Plants


    We have reintroduced this very old favourite by popular request. Suffering surprisingly little from disease considering its age (last popular well over 30 years ago) the very dark green foliage partly hides the moderately sized torpedo shaped dark red juicy berries. As might be expected the flavour is superb. Stock limited.

  • Calypso Strawberry Plants


    A new ever-bearing variety from the institute of Horticulture Research East Malling. The fruits are very attractive and have a lovely flavour. Picking from July until the first frosts, the main picking period is in August and September. The fruits are predominately large and regular in shape with the advantage that the fruits maintain their quality in hot weather. Attractive bright shiny fruits with a lovely texture and flavour to match. Compact growth enables close planting. Good resistance to Verticillium Wilt. Calypso is excellent for dessert and exhibition. Large luscious fruits all summer long.

  • Camarosa Strawberry Plants


     A day neutral variety raised in California which does best in warmer situations and is useful for protected and out of season cropping in the glasshouse, and can also provide worthwhile crops over an extended period outdoors if cloched. Fruit quality good, texture firm, flavour fair to good. Has better runner production than standard day neutral types. Somewhat virus resistant.  Photo is generic. 

  • Cambridge Favourite Strawberry Plants


    The mid season variety that was once so prevalent and well known throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s that it was often referred to under it’s seedling name of Cambridge 142, Cambridge Favourite was by far the most popular variety of all before gradually becoming superseded. But it remains a garden variety with a certain following and the plant hasn’t lost any of it’s vigour or merits. The characteristic large, floppy, pale leaves remain relatively untroubled by disease and the good crop of pale orange, mostly rounded fruits, ripen mid season. In it’s day the flavour was sometimes unfavourably described, but…

  • Cambridge Vigour Strawberry Plants


    early mid-season, medium to large fruits of very good flavour and appearance. A good variety for a frost pocket because the blossom trusses develop late. In its maiden year this variety is early with exceptional flavour, in the second and third years mid-season with a very good flavour. The plants are large and upright and are also excellent for growing under cover, one of the best for growing in used gro-bags after tomatoes etc. have finished cropping. Specially recommended for flavour in its maiden year, this variety is a very old favourite, susceptible to Mildew.

  • Catskill Strawberry Plants


     Catskill is named after the Mountain in New York; it is a much sought after heirloom variety raised back in 1934.  The large, long and conical deep red berries are very soft which is why it fell from favour commercially but this can be advantage to the home gardener who doers not wish for ‘crunchy’ strawberries. It has a most pleasing flavour picked just before consumption for tea! Season early-mid; a vigorous grower with resistance to Verticillium wilt.  Photo is generic. 

  • Cirano Strawberry Plants


    Pronounced ‘Shirano’ and recommended as a much improved alternative to the popular ‘Mara des Bois’. Still with the same wonderful rich aromatic flavour inherited from the wild woodland Strawberry, but with much better disease resistance, especially Botrytis. The harvest period starts in July and goes on right through to the frosts! The lovely bright attractive colour and the very fragrance of the fruit invites you to sample the perfect flavour. A compact plant with dark green lustrous foliage. A truly excellent introduction. Outstanding for it’s cropping period and flavour. Perfect for dessert and makes a really tasty jam. A season…

  • Earliglow Strawberry Plants


     This variety was raised in America back in 1964 and is aptly named, for the berries have a most beautiful glowing red colour and ripen very early in the season, at about the same time as Honeyoye. The flavour is very sweet and juicy and the berries are suitable for all purposes in addition they freeze very well. Disease resistant qualities include resistance to Verticillium wilt, Leaf spot and partly resistant to mildew. A most attractive and enjoyable variety to grow, very seldom offered. Photo is generic.

  • Elsanta Strawberry Plants


    A mid-season from Holland. Ripening a few days later than Cambridge Favourite, the fruit is medium to large, firm and a bright almost brick-red colour. The flavour of the orange-red flesh is good. Heavy cropping and now being widely planted by commercial market growers. The firmness of the juicy fruits allows them to keep their ‘fresh picked’ look for several days. An excellent variety. Flavour very good, disease resistance not so good. Recommended.

  • Elvira Strawberry Plants


    A recent introduction from Holland that is ideal for growing under cloches or glass. An early variety with large, bright fruits that are firm and juicy. Excellent flavour, a good yield of quality fruit. Health is generally good, but mildew can be a problem in some areas. One of the best varieties for early forcing or growing in pots.

  • Emily Strawberry Plants


    Raised by the Institute of Horticultural research East Malling (East Malling Research Station) Emily is a very special new early cropping variety. Emily gives us a higher yielding and earlier season alternating to Honeyoye, In a favourable area you could be picking your first fruits in late May from outdoor cropping without protection! The fruits are medium sized with an attractive conical shape and deep red colour. The flavour is very good with that tangy freshness similar to Honeyoye. Picking 5 days before Honeyoye and 10 days earlier than Elsanta for 50% harvest: the plants are erect in habit and…

  • Eros *new* Strawberry Plants


    Raised at H.R.I. East Malling from a cross between Elsanta and Allstar. Eros is an alternative variety to Elsanta with a higher percentage of class 1 fruits, fewer mis-shapen berries, a higher yield potential and greater resistance to Red Core. The fruits have an attractive glossy skin with a good mid-red colour and are regular and conical in shape. Texture is similar to Elsanta and well flavoured.The plants are moderately vigorous with an erect and open habit that displays the fruit well. Eros has the advantage that the crown of the plant is more frost hardy in northern areas. A…

  • Fenella Strawberry Plants


    One of the main things that struck us about Fenella is the wonderful, lush, vigorous but compact dark leafed plant habit. Fenella has excellent disease resistance and is a late summer season variety recommended as a superior replacement to the popular Florence. Fenella is a real season extender with a 3 week or longer crop of large [typically 15gram] berries which are evenly shaped and provide a very attractive appearance at the tea table. Fenella has a juicy, nicely tasting slightly aromatic flavour that will not disappoint. Performs well during wet summers and recommended for all areas, Fenella has a…

  • Fern Strawberry Plants


    A magnificent variety with attractive, bright red fruits. High quality berries that are perfect for dessert.

  • Florence Strawberry Plants


    A new late maincrop season variety of strawberries from HRI East Malling which crops from early July to early August. The firm brightly coloured and regularly shaped berries have an excellent flavour and are well displayed for easy picking. Resistant to wilt, powdery mildew and vine weevil. Does well under cover and produces very few small berries.

  • Strawberry fruit jam in a jar with wooden spoon

    Strawberry Plant Buyers Guide

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