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Redcurrant Bushes

Growing Redcurrant

As well as growing your cordon red currant and cordon white currant as traditional Redcurrant bushes, you might like to consider growing them as cordons. With a planting distance of just 18″, compared to 4′ for a bush, they are much more space economical and if grown against a wall, they are easier to net against birds too. Pruning is simple and whilst crops inevitably do not compare to a full grown bush, they are still very productive, especially considering the space they take up.

Redcurrants as Standard

Our red and white currants are also available as standards grown on a 3.5′ leg. Much easier to harvest.

Time to The First Crop of Redcurrant

Redcurrant can yield in the first season.

Initial Pruning of Redcurrant

Red and whitecurrants do not need the hard pruning that is recommended for Blackcurants and a framework of growth is left in place. Initially the leaders [main stems] can be shortened by up to one third to any outwardly facing bud. This has the effect of keeping the centre of the bush more open which makes the foliage less prone to disease and also makes harvesting easier. You will find the fruiting trusses in the centre of the bush will ripen more readily, and will be sweeter as a result of this type of pruning. This pruning should be done soon after planting. The following winter leading branches of the Redcurrant can further be shortened to encourage side[fruit bearing] laterals. At this stage any unwanted low branches can also be removed at their base.

By the third year you should have a well shaped and nicely branched bush. From now on the only attention is to continually shorten longer/main branches and remove any that are causing congestion, diseased, or broken.

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Growing Characteristics

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Showing all 21 results

  • Junifer Redcurrant Bushes


    A new, very early heavy cropping redcurrant with large evenly spaced strings of attractive shiny red berries. Lovely sweet flavour, the fruits are ideal for all purposes. A healthy reliable cropper which has cropped consistently well for us over the last 3 years. Recommended.

  • New * Introducing ‘redpoll’ Redcurrant Bushes


    An outstanding new variety which is unique as the first to be released from an entirely new breeding programme involving a previously unused parent. This species, Ribes Longeracemosum, has contributed Redpolls enormously long fruiting strings which can contain anything up to 40- fruits per string! Extremely productive, (outyielding Rondom by 22 per cent) very late season, extending your Redcurrant picking period still further. The bushes have shown some resistance to leaf spot. An extremely attractive breeding development, the fruits hang like a cascading curtain of sparkling redberries – truly when in full fruit, Redpoll could be described as simply ‘dripping…

  • Redstart Redcurrant Bushes


    A new variety of redcurrant from East Malling Research Station, quite a breakthrough in research as Redstart is the first variety raised in this country for more years than we care to remember! Redstart was, however, well worth waiting for. The bright red fruits are produced in long strings and cover the bush in a mass of colour when in full fruit. The yield is very, very heavy and has proved consistent. Heavy trusses of medium sized fruits are produced on a well shaped, upright bush and have an excellent flavour. Redstart is unique in its later cropping period, producing…

  • Laxton No.1 Redcurrant Bushes


    Very early season. A strong grower and reliable cropper in all districts. Long bunches of very large crimson berries, ideal for all purposes. This variety consistently provides us with a heavy crop of quality fruit.

  • Red Lake Redcurrant Bushes


    Mid-season. An upright, moderately vigorous grower, providing a heavy crop. The fruit is borne in long trusses and is large, sweet and juicy.

  • Stanza Redcurrant Bushes


    A mid-season variety with long trusses of large deep red fruit of superb quality and flavour, A very heavy crop of exhibition standard, flowers late reducing the risk of spring frosts.

  • Cascade Redcurrant Bush


     An interesting variety that arose as an open pollinated seedling that displays excellent disease reisistance; it has proven free of mildew, botrytis and leaf spot. A most pleasing grower but vigorous and bushy; when grown well with judicious pruning the fruiting clusters live up to their name, providing a cascading mass of scarlet all over the bush. Early season; a rare variety – stock limited. 

  • Cherry Redcurrant bush


     Probably the rarest variety in our collection, this ancient Redcurrant variety arose in Italy in the mid 1800’s. It has faults and merits so is best suited to the enthusiast. A vigorous though upright growing bush, the flowers are early so it is better suited to an enclosed environment or maybe grown as a cordon against a wall. The berries are large, thin skinned,of excellent quality and have a truly lovely flavour. The strigs are quite short though and the berries do not hang long on the bush. A Redcurrant to be enjoyed as soon as they ripen. Early season.…

  • Fays Prolific Redcurrant Bushes


    An old variety re-introduced. Large clusters of brilliant berries. Good flavour, very early. Prone to wind damage.

  • Jonkheer Van Tets Redcurrant Bushes


    One of the first to ripen, providing a very large crop of large, bright fruits, sweet and juicy, makes a large bush, sometimes too large on the better soils. Best grown as a cordon.

  • Karlstein Red Redcurrant bush


     A little known variety from the Czeck Republic that is super-hardy and good for frosty areas. The fruits ripen to a pleasing pink red and are held on well filled strigs. The bush is upright, bushy and heavy yielding, largely disease free. A good variety for a frost pocket. Early-Mid Season. 

  • London Market Redcurrant Bush


     This is an old historic cultivar that was briefly popular commercially many years ago. It remains a good variety for garden growing; it is prolific and ripens it’s berries in a concentrated flush of decadent beauty. The flavour is good and the growth is little troubled by disease. Does well in all areas, trouble free & easy to grow.  Mid season; suitable for cordon or bush type growing. 

  • Moores Ruby Redcurrant bushes


     A variety from Scotland with attractive dark fruits which ripen late in the season.

  • Perfection Redcurrant Bush


     Not quite Perfection as thie variety can be susceptable to rust, but the berries certainly have a sweet and lovely flavour and are full of juice. They will keep several days when picked and have a handsome bright red colour and are also quite large.  Season early-mid. Origins – New York. 

  • Red Versailles Redcurrant Bush


     White Versailles has been the most popular white currant for many, many years but this red version is seldom seen. It benefits from the same sweet, mild taste and the quality berries ripen evenly on the strigs. Easy to manage upright growth Early season. 

  • Rednose Redcurrant Bushes


    A new heavy yielding mid season variety from Europe which we introduced to selected customers only last season. Initial reports are already very encouraging and we feel this variety deserves general release. Rednose forms a good upright bush which does well on most soils and the yield has been very good. The well filled strings of very evenly sized berries are easy to pick and the flavour is very sweet. Recommended.

  • Redwing Redcurrant Bush


     Released at the same time as ‘Redpoll’ but overshadowed by that variety at the time, Redwing seems to have all but disappeared. It is a similar later ripening variety with handsome long trusses of very dark red fruits which can be used throughout August. A vigorous bushy grower.  Late season; best as a cordon. 

  • Rondom – Late Season Redcurrant Bushes


    A heavy cropper, providing good flavoured, quality fruit. In trials this variety has proved best in windy, exposed sites as the bush is not so prone to loss of the side shoots in strong winds. The fruits are rather dry.

  • Rosetta Redcurrant Bush


    A very good variety for frosty areas as the flowers develop late and also a good season extending variety with quality and yield.   Late blooming, late to ripen. Very good productivity. Moderately to vigorously growing variety with long trusses, can be harvested into August. Raised in Holland and well worth trying. 

  • Rovado Redcurrant Bushes


    A Dutch variety with a good flavour. In our trials, Rovada has produced exceptionally heavy crops in late July, early August. This variety could prove to he the heaviest cropping of all varieties.

  • Wilsons Long Bunch Redcurrant


     Used to be a prevalent variety many years ago but seems to have been difficult to obtain, especially in the genuine form. Wilsons Long Bunch is aptly named because the handsome fruiting strigs can achieve great length when well cultivated; it used to be favoured for exhibition purposes but is an impressive garden vasriety too. The strigs are well filled with berry and the ripening period is quite late, providing a good season extending crop. Growth upright, and of moderate vigour. Late season.

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