Raspberry Canes – We want your raspberry growing efforts to yield the best results possible, which is why the raspberry canes for sale at Chris Bowers are freshly packed and of the very highest calibre. The great choice of raspberry varieties that we offer means that you can choose from main season and autumn fruiting raspberry canes to suit your individual preferences. Buying raspberry canes as bare root are sold from Autumn to late Spring. Raspberry plants for sale in pots & jumbo-plugs are sometimes available for supply during the Summer enabling planting all year round.
Planting Raspberry Canes
Grow your own raspberries in the garden is  a very popular pastime nowadays, as you just can’t beat the flavour of your own fresh picked raspberries! That’s why our range of raspberry canes for sale is so extensive – probably the largest range of raspberry canes you can buy anywhere – because they are also so economically valuable. Even a small row of, say 10 canes, will produce several pounds of fruit and is an investment that will continue to yield for 12-15 years or more.
Raspberry Canes – Always use Ministry Certified Stock where possible
It is essential with the main varieties that you only plant Ministry certified, virus free stock. Most of the raspberries listed here are Ministry certified and simply the finest, most true to type stock available. Canes are packed fresh for every order to ensure you of the best possible results. NEVER plant second best, it is always false economy. Plant 12-15″ apart in the row with rows 6′ apart. Raspberries prefer well drained soil especially in the winter. Most are best with a post + wire support but some are a little shorter and can be grown self supporting – i.e. Malling Jewel, Autumn Bliss and Zeva.
Planning your raspberry season
With a little forethought you can harvest fresh picked raspberries from your garden by planting raspberry canes that cover the season. Throughout our raspberry variety descriptions, you will see the season given as early/mid/late and autumn fruiting.
Early season usually begins from late June; mid season begins about 10 days after that and late season starts in late July and August. Then the autumn fruiting varieties begin in August and will usually fruit until the first frosts in October. Therefore by planting a selection of raspberry canes you can harvest fruit from late June until October! Our raspberry canes are sold in quantities of 5 or more per variety, which is the minimum number of raspberry canes you should consider planting per cultivar to achieve a reasonable pick at any one time.
Planting Raspberry Canes
Make sure the canes are set 12-15″ apart. Rows should be 6′ apart to allow for cultivation, hoeing, weeding and harvesting. Â Raspberries generally dislike heavy or wet conditions. If you have a clay soil consider raising the planting area just a few inches so they do not get waterlogged in the winter. A sunny aspect is always best for your raspberry canes!
Remember to consider Golden and purple Raspberry canes as well, special variations in flavour and colour to add a special touch to your raspberry cane planting programme.
Thornless Raspberries –
here are several thorn free types available so if you have an aversion to spines look out for the varieties Glen Lyon, Glen Prosen, Glen Moy, Glen Ample and Glen Doll which have canes as smooth as silk!
Yellow Raspberries
Are a choice and delicious variation with a sweeter, milder flavour than traditional red varieties. They are very attractive mixed in a bowl with red varieties, can be eaten without sugar and also make a wonderful apricot coloured jam!