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Quince Tree

Our top quality quince trees are an average of some 5ft tall on delivery (some more, some a little less) in fact our customers often tell us they pick their first luscious fruits the summer following planting!

Also check our comprehensive guide to know all about the Quince Trees: Ultimate Guide – Quince Trees

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Showing all 8 results

  • Champion Quince Trees


    Large apple/pear-shaped fruits, ripening to a deep, golden colour.

  • Le Bourgeaut Quince Trees


    Small apple type, early October.All varieties are self fertile.

  • Lescovatza Quince Trees


    Large fruits, October. Very attractive blossom, and a very hardy tree.

  • Meech’s Prolific Quince Trees


    Early, regular copping. Delicious fruits, ripening to pale yellow. Virus free stock.

  • Quince Patio Gold


    An invaluable smaller growing Quince which has been selected on our nursery and we finally have sufficient trees to offer on a limited basis. Trees in the open ground have shown a size reduction of around 30% over standard varieties Vranja and Meech’s Prolific making it easier to accomodate, but it is perhaps as a container tree that Patio Gold really comes into it’s own. Thriving in a 20-25 litre capacity container for many years bearing medium-large downy golden yellow aromatic fruits blessed with that indescribably unique flavour that only the Quince has. Doubling as an ornamental tree as well…

  • Rea’s Mammoth Quince Tree


    New to our range this year & a seldom offered Quince variety. . A stunning variety with huge, weighty pear shaped fruits which ripen to a rich golden yellow. The branches can be made pendulous by the weight of the fruit. Beautiful, sweetly aromatic, perfumed aroma and flavour. Ripe from mid October. Self fertile, beautiful large rose pink blossom. Ultimate dimensions 12-15′ high x 10-12′ in width.

  • Siberian Gold Quince Tree


    A small, much branched and productive tree bearing very nicely flavoured smaller fruits that ripen to a scented golden yellow. Has been favoured in the production of Quince Liquer [now there’s a thought] but equally suited to more prozaic recipes. Self fertile, very hardy and free fruiting. An excellent variety with the bonus of good Autumn leaf colour.

  • Vranja Quince Trees


    The standard variety and the most popular of all. Very beautiful in flower. Reliable cropper, virus free stock.

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