Largest range of fruit trees in the UK
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British Grown Trees & Bushes

Money Saving Collections

Our Money Saving Collections are designed to provide a variety of fruit types at a great price.


Showing all 9 results

  • Blueberries Collection


    Blueberries are the latest good for you super-food, but even without this attribute they are so worth growing. The bushes are so attractive you can plant them in the border with flowering shrubs and plants and they won’t look our of place at all. The foliage turns to wondrous fiery shades in the Autumn and the drooping clusters of pearlescent May flowers are very pretty. Growing to 4-5′ they also obligingly suit container growing whereupon an ericaceous compost should be used. Very little if any pruning is required and the bushes are entirely hardy everywhere. The frosting of blue berries…

  • Columnar Fruit Tree Collection


    Chris Bowers Supercolumns are the ultimate space-saving fruit trees. Bearing heavy crops along the full length of their slender, compact columnar growth, you can plant them just 2′ apart! Ideal for spreading around the garden as you wish, grown in 18" pots, alongside an arch or walkway, or – best of all – as a single row, forming a fabulous fruiting ‘hedge’ dripping with tempting fruit. Pruning is easy and these trees reward immensely even amateur fruit tree growers. 5 tree collection 1 each of: Apple Self fertile Cox’s Apple Katy Pear Concorde Plum Victoria Cherry Sunburst Save £15.00 on…

  • Columnar Fruit Tree Collection 2


    10 trees – 1 each of Apple Self fertile Cox’s, Apple Katy, Apple Bramley, Apple Winter Gem, Plum Victoria, Plum Czar, Gage Golden, Pear Conference, Pear Williams, Cherry Sunburst.Save £35.00 on the individual price of these trees!The collection of 10 £174.50

  • Connoisseurs Fruit Collection


    If you fancy something a bit different, or maybe a gift for a gardening friend, then this collection of more unusual and choice delicacies could be just for you.  The Worcesterberry – a Gooseberry x Blackcurrant cross which forms a vigorous largely mildew free gooseberry like bush, heavy cropping with medium sized red fruits. These are sweet and well flavoured – excelling for eating fresh as well as pies and crumbles The bush is sparsely spined and easy to grow. The Boysenberry looks like a smooth caned Blackberry but its flavour has been raised to rapturous levels, a characteristic it…

  • Patio Fruit Tree Collection


    3 trees – 1 each of Apple Self fertile Cox’s, Plum Victoria and Conference Pear. Specially chosen on ultra dwarfing rootstocks M27, Pixy and Quince C, these are ideal for 18″ pots on the patio, or for planting in the smaller garden. Easy to grow, self pollinating and with surprisingly heavy yields which can exceed 30ibs per tree when established! A joy to have on the patio so close to home.SAVE £10.00 on the catalogue price for these 3 trees.

  • Patio Fruit Tree Collection 2


    6 Trees – 1 each of Apple Self fertile Cox’s, Apple Gala, Plum Victoria, Plum Czar, Pear Conference and Cherry Sunburst.Again, ideal for pots on the patio or the intensive orchard. All on genuine dwarfing rootstocks.SAVE £20.00 on the catalogue price for these 3 trees.The collection of 6 £99.50

  • Raspberry Cane Collection


    20 canes in 4 varieties to give you a spread season from July right through to the frosts! Our yop quality graded canes are all ministry certified for superb results. The varieties you will receive are Glen Moy which is early to ripen and has smooth, spine free canes. Malling Jewel – a compact variety with a superb sweet taste yielding mid season. Octavia which follows on with sizeable rosy red fruits through August. And finally Autumn Bliss which is famed for its weighty yield of berries right through until late October. Plant your raspberry canes 15” apart for the…

  • Summer Berries Collection


    A tempting array of Summers finest treats giving you a comprehensive selection of berries for many weeks during summer. Ideal for conserves and jam making, summer berry puddings, served with ice cream and fruit salads, for freezing and so many other uses. 1 bush each of Redcurrant, Blackcurrant, Whitecurrant, Gooseberry [green] and Gooseberry [Red] Saving £5.00 on the catalogue price for these bushes.The 5 bushes for £36.50

  • The Surprise Bumper Fruit Parcel


    Save £50!If your mad keen on growing fruit but haven’t started yet, or you simply can’t make up your mind, or maybe you love surprises… then this parcel could be just for you. The choice of contents is entirely ours – but for that privilege you will receive a massive 50% extra stock when compared to the individual catalogue prices. All stock will be named, all come with instructions, and all will be our usual first quality. Selected from a wide ranging variety of soft and top fruit, remember the £100 price will include at least £150 worth of stock.…

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