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Japanese Flowering Cherries

Our flowering cherry blossom trees for sale are offeredas bare root stock during Autumn, Winter and early spring, and then container grown during the Summer. Cherry blossom trees are the most florieferous and colourful of all the Spring flowering trees and never fail to delight. You can buy Japanese cherry blossom trees in a great range of habits and colour with trees suited to all gardens and aspects.

All cherries belong to the Prunus Trees family. The most commonly planted of all trees, here they are listed in two sections; firstly the enormously popular Japanese flowering Cherries and their hybrids, and then the other types and species which includes several very interesting and attractive trees. They are all very hardy and easily grown and many are suitable for the small garden. The majority of our Prunus are grafted onto ministry certified ‘elma’ stocks which are the best available and ensure a very disease free high quality tree, Incredibly diverse in shape and form – from upright tree shaped trees, low, wide spreading ones, weeping trees, slim columnar ones. There is truly a Prunus for every garden and requirement.

This catalogue also includes allied and related Prunus species.
The height given after the name is the expected height at 10 years or maturity.

Good dwarf small weeping cherry blossom trees for small gardens, varieties include Weeping Yoshino, Cheals Weeping and pendula rubra.

Double cherry blossom tree varieties include Kanzan, Royal Burgundy, Pink Perfection, avium plena and Candyfloss. Those with double flowers have more petals and appear larger than those with single flowers. Cherry blossom trees with the single flowers owever often have a more graceful and simple appearance.,

(F) Means the tree is fragrant. This can be the flowers or the leaves/sap.

(II) Is for columnar/fastigiated trees. Straight up and down specimens are great for providing the value of vertical accent in a border, lining a driveway – or fitting into a very restricted area.

Growing Characteristics

Other Characteristics


Showing 1–21 of 35 results

  • Amanagowa Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    A superb column of fragrant shell pink flowers in April and May. This small columnar tree with its erect branches is ideal for the small garden and accent planting in the border. The flowers are semi double and appear amongst the fresh green of the new leaves. In Autumn the foliage turns bright yellow, a very popular little specimen.

  • Beni Yutaka Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    12′ Prized for the individual beauty of its large shapely blooms, this newer Japanese seedling introduction has a neat vase-shaped, then gently spreading habit. Ots leaves are coppery at first and a superb foil for the pure pink flowers which are noticeably paler in the centre. Almond scented; superb and choice.

  • Birch Black Cherry Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    10′ A small tree that is outstanding for mahogany coloured surface of the main trunk and branches. Small white flowers in the Spring but it is the polished brilliance and shine of the bark that is such a special feature, especially as it shines in the Winter sun.

  • Blushing Bride (Oku Miyako) Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    10′ A very distinct and lovely small, spreading tree that excels as a lawn specimen. In May the large, frilled double white flowers hang in large, long stalked clusters all along the boughs, creating a remarkable effect. Pink buds opening to white, frilled flowers. In Autumn the leaves turn bright orange and then red before falling.

  • Candy Floss Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    12′ A brand new Japanese Flowering Cherry from extensive trials of new seedlings in Japan. Outstanding for its very large, fringed deep pink flowers which adorn the elegantly spreading branches to great effect. Young leaves coppery bronze, long flowering season. A new variety of immense quality and great beauty with its particularly large, frilly blossoms and effective habit. Highly Recommended.

  • Cheals Weeping Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    7-8′ when mature, supplied at 120-150cm’s approx. A very popular small tree with cascading branches that weep right down to the ground. Densely covered in fully double rose pink flowers in April and May.

  • Chocolate Ice Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    9′ when mature in height A NEW tree for the garden which until very recently was still known only under its Japanese name ‘Matsumae-fuki’. This is an immensely valuable and striking smaller flowering cherry with polished coppery bronze to chocolate brown leaves contrasting most effectively with the blush white flowers in Spring. Neat, upright habit; no other Cherry is like it! Stock limited* early ordering advised*

  • Daikoku Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    [14′ when grown, supplied at 125-150cm’s approx] A magnificent and quite rare species with dense panicles of large pale pink flowers distinguished by a superb green eye. Extremely beautiful.

  • Fragrant Cloud Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    Mature height 12′, supplied at 125-150cm’s approx’ One of our most popular trees owing to the sweet-almond fragrance which pervades the air when this charming tree is in flower. Semi double white flowers opening from apple-blossom buds, turning pinkish again as they age and all the time emitting the glorious fragrance. Good Autumn colour of orange red. A tree to treasure.

  • Ichiyo Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    Grows to 10′ approx, supplied at 125-150cm’s.A charmer which we have always held dear with somewhat spreading branches festooned with double mauvey shell pink flowers in utmost profusion. Bronzey green new leaves; most beautiful cultivar.

  • Incisa Kojo No Mai Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    A small grower to 5-6′ This and the following are very small tree ideal for the patio or border. This choice Japanese selected form has curious, zigzag shoots and pretty leaflets. The pale pink bell flowers are a Springtime treat and a very delicate , fresh sight indeed. In Autumn the whole bush turns brilliant orange. When seen is always requested.

  • Incisa The Bride Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    6′ Stunning single white flowers with red anthers, a very choice tree for the small garden. Again good Autumn leaf colour; rarely offered.

  • Kanzan Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    Mature height around 14′ A very well known tree which was once the most planted of all. Upright vase shaped habit, very free flowering with bright pink flowers during April. Still a reliable and floriferous tree. Supplied at approx 125-150cm’s

  • Kursar Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    Usually growing to about 8′ A small tree that is early flowering with rich deep pink flowers clustered all along the bare branches in March. A mass of very colourful early colour for your garden, this is an easily accommodated tree with the bonus of rich red and gold Autumn leaf colour. Very hardy.Supplied at 120-150cm’s approx

  • Little Pink Perfection Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    Grows 5-6′ A brand NEW tree and a brand new concept in Japanese Flowering Cherries.The first truly dwarfing member of this group of trees and just ideal for the smaller bed, flower border and of course the patio container. Little Pink Perfection is a perfect scaled down version of the true majesty of the Japanese Cherry with the same large, luscious, fully double pink flowers all along the branches in mid Spring. The foliage colours beautifully in the Autumn, all this on a tree which naturally only grows to around 6′ and with no pruning. Easy to care for and…

  • Pink Parasol Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    Reaching around 12′ in height. Another new variety direct from Japan where all the best flowering cherries come from, this is quite a strong grower with elegant spreading branches absolutely wreathed in special very long stalked flower clusters. These are tightly double and pale pink and green, a refreshing and very spring-like combination and one which seems entirely unique to this variety. A specimen to adore and as yet very new and very choice. 125-150cm’s when supplied

  • Pink Perfection Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    Growth estimate of 10′ The original larger version of the aforementioned Little Pink Perfection. Large densely double rose pink flowers in wonderful drooping clusters from late April to May. A sheer profusion of dancing colour, always one of the most beautiful flowering cherries and very popular. 125-150cm’s when supplied

  • Prunus Autumnalis Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    As per Prunus Autumnalis Rosea but flowers are pure white.

  • Prunus Autumnalis Rosea Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    10′ when grown. A small spreading tree that dares to produce its beautiful semi double flowers through the Winter months, during milder spells from November to March. Many days will find the naked branches clustered with pink blossom and these are exquisite for indoor decoration at this quiet time as well. Supplied at 125-150cm’s approx

  • Prunus Avium Plena Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    15′ in height at maturity. A symmetrically upright tree with masses of sparkling bright pure white semi double flowers that are very long lasting. Vigorous growth and excellent Autumn leaf colour, a favourite variety for many years which resembles a Japanese Flowering Cherry but with an added dash of grace and wild beauty. Highly recommended. Supplied at 125-150cm’s

  • Prunus Padus colorata Japanese Flowering Cherry Plants


    13’at maturity. An attractive tree, this form has purple flushed leaves and pink flower cluster. Very beautiful, choice.Supplied at around 120-150cm’s.

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