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Crab Apple Trees

Crab Apple Trees [Malus] are a great addition to any garden and especially those that grow fruit trees. The blossoms of most crab apple tree varieties will greatly aid pollination of apple trees and apart from the obvious decorative properties, the fruits make great jellies for use served with roasted meats or served cold, spread on toast!

The crab apple trees trees tend to be quite accommodating and seldom grow too large. The heights mentioned are an estimate at 10 years. The smaller kinds all grow well in 20″ containers and all are of easy cultivation. You may also want to check our large variety of apple trees for sale.

Note:  most varieties from this section are currently booked for Autumn delivery.

Growing Characteristics

Growth & Uses

Other Characteristics



Showing 1–21 of 36 results

  • Adirondack Crab Apple Trees


    A new and very compact little variety with wonderfully clean and healthy bright green foliage. The sparkling white flowers emerge from deep pink buds and set a prominent display of small scarlet fruits which last and last. A new tree for your garden full of wonder and so easy to grow. Highly recommended. Also known as ‘Admiration’ Height 5′ on maturity

  • Brevipes Wedding Bouquet Crab Apple Trees


    This charming, pretty small tree has much to commend it. Its foliage is a little different, being dainty, long and tapered, rich green it provides an excellent foil for the individually beautiful shell-like pure white blossoms. These cover the branches like a snowy umbrella. The small maroon red fruits appear in generous clusters afterward. A tree of great charm. Supplied at 120cm’s approx with a growth expectancy of 150-180cm’s depending on cultivation

  • Butterball Crab Apple Trees


    A good bushy headed tree producing pink flushed white flowers and a reliably abundant display of ample creamy butter yellow fruits. Aptly named and recommended. Height 12ft when grown supplied at approx 120-150cm’s

  • Comptesse De Paris Crab Apple Trees


    This very healthy medium sized tree absolutely covers itself in snow white blossom in April and is valued too for its oval bright yellow fruits which last and last, well after Christmas on the tree. A tree with grace and colour, new to our lists and most promising. Height 9ft on maturity supplied at 120-150cm’s approx

  • Coral Burst Crab Apple Trees


    Not only is this probably the most naturally dwarf of all the Crabs it also has the most astonishingly vibrant flowers, in bud they are a rich coral pink opening to double deep rose pink blossoms all over the tree in May which fade softly as they mature – see picture. The small bronzy fruits are insignificant but after such a beautiful floral display … An ideal and natural choice for the patio. Raised in the USA, choice and new.

  • Dolgo (Pink Glow) Crab Apple Trees


    A superb healthy grower with glossy green foliage, masses of clean white flower and a generous crop of oval, shiny cardinal red fruits. Makes excellent jelly, and also an ideal garden tree. Highly recommended. Grows to 10-12′ supplied at 120-150cm’s approx.

  • Elk River Crab Apple Trees


    A new introduction to our range that is noted for its large green fruits, resembling smaller Granny Smith desert apples, and which make an excellent jelly. Good dark green loabed leaves and attractive frilly blush pink scented blossoms. A good, upright grower with healthy growth. Height 10ft when grown supplied at approx 120-150cm’s

  • Florentina Crab Apple Trees


    This is a neat grower with nicely scented pure white flowers setting to shiny scarlet fruits. This little known cultivar is noted for its vivid flame red Autumn leaf colour and attractively lobed foliage. Well worth finding a home for and a tree of many attributes! Rarely offered. Height 7ft

  • Floribunda Crab Apple Trees


    A popular and well known little tree with long, somewhat arching branches. The "Japanese Crab" is a flowering sensation with its crimson buds opening to pale pink/white flowers in breathtaking abundance. One of the earliest to flower, the fruits are small and red and yellow. The Japanese Crab. Height 7ft-8′ on maturity supplied at around 120cm’s

  • Golden Gem Crab Apple Trees


    A compact, neat grower which is excellent for the small garden or patio. Abundant fresh pale pink and white flowers and clusters of bright yellow fruits which last and last. Hardy, little disease. Height when mature 12ft supplied at 120-150cm’s

  • Golden Hornet Crab Apple Trees


    Of all the yellow fruited crab apples this is the most well known and prolific. A mass display of deep golden fruits follow the pink budded white flowers. An excellent choice for pollinating apple trees and also suitable for making crab apple jelly. Height when mature 11ft plus supplied at around 150cm’s

  • Gorgeous Crab Apple Trees


    A fitting name for this charming newer variety. The shiny green foliage is a perfect foil for the white Spring flowers and the Autumn fruits are large and a bright glossy red, like perfect wax cherries. Good disease resistance. Height supplied 120-150cm’s when mature 8ft+

  • Harry Baker Crab Apple Trees


    Individually striking, large rich pink flowers which set a persistent crop of sizeable ruby red fruits. One of the best for jellies and preserves, making a vivid pink jelly. Green-purple flushed leaves. Eventual Height 10ft supplied at 125-150cm’s approx

  • Hillierii Crab Apple Trees


    A very pleasing small tree with arching branches, flowering over a long period the flowers are large and crimson in bud opening to bright pink and carried in profusion. The fruits which follow are small and scarlet. Suitable for apple pollination. Height 6-8ft when grown, supplied at 120-150cm’s approx

  • Hopa Crab Apple Trees


    A useful stronger grower which makes a most effective specimen that is outstanding for its contrasting purple leaf and rosy crimson flower. The rounded Autumn fruits are red and suitable for jelly making. A very good variety. Height 12ft when grown, supplied at 125-150cm’s approx

  • Jelly King Crab Apple Trees


    One of the most popular of all garden trees. The flowers are pink in bud opening to white in May. The fruits in the Autumn are large and bright orange-scarlet and ideal for preserves. Another suitable apple pollinator, John Downie makes an erect tree and it could be claimed that this is still the best variety of all. The preserves made from this variety are very refreshing and the displays of fruit and flower always impressive. Height when grown 12ft supplied at 125-150cm’s approx SOLD OUT

  • Laura Crab Apple Trees


    A new variety and a very useful compact grower which is recommended for its vibrant season long colour and compact, neat growth. Ideal for the patio or restricted area, Laura produces large rose red flowers in May amongst the newly emerging purple foliage, the two combining to provide a display of rare colour and harmony. The rounded purple fruits persist well into the Winter. Good disease resistance, a very “clean” looking tree which is already rapidly gaining popularity. Height 5-6ft when grown, supplied at 120-150cm’s approx

  • Liset Crab Apple Trees


    An old favourite of graceful growth. Beautiful deep rosy wine flowers set against the purple of the new growths, later the foliage matures to glossy maroon-red. Small scarlet crabs in the Autumn. This variety was introduced from Holland over 30 years ago and is still well worth growing, a trouble free grower with plenty of colour. Height 9ft+ when grown, supplied at 125-150cm’s approx

  • Makamik Crab Apple Trees


    An excellent disease resistant grower with the “ideal&qot; classic round headed, slightly spreading habit. The fragrant rosy lavender flowers open from bright fuchsia buds and appear with considerable freedom. The coppery bronze foliage turns golden in the Autumn; persistent purple fruits. A very hardy and reliable doer. Height 10ft when grown supplied at 125-150cm’s approx

  • Pink Mushroom Crab Apple Trees


    An absolute charmer, this perfect miniature weeping tree forms a rounded, steeply weeping mushroom head right down to the ground. Pure pink flowers smother the branches in April and the small shiny fruits appear in the Autumn to create the perfect long season effect from this characterful little dome. Perfect for the patio in a container or centre of a small island bed. Highly recommended Height 6ft when grown supplied at 120-150cm’s approx

  • Prairie Fire Crab Apple Trees


    Another new variety, this good upright grower bears single flowers of rich crimson-wine of unusually deep and lustrous colouring. Attractive oblong fruits follow and good Autumn colour. Too new to adequately ‘sing its praises’ as yet as stocks do not allow, but this could turn out to be one of the most popular of all. Height 7ft-9ft when grown, supplied at 125-150cm’s approx

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