Largest range of fruit trees in the UK
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British Grown Trees & Bushes

Cherry Plum

Our top quality trees are an average of some 5ft tall on delivery (some more, some a little less) infact our customers often tell us they pick their first luscious fruits the summer following planting! Remember our unique Gold Health Standard and Guarantee – a Chris Bowers fruit tree is special

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Showing all 5 results

  • Bullace Cherry Plum Trees


    Related to the Damsons with very sharp flavoured fruits which ripen late and have a loyal following for many culinary purposes. Occasionally found growing wild; not really a garden tree but suitable for larger orchard etc. £17.60

  • Fastigious Cherry Plum Trees


    Rather useful, this narrower tree will fit into smaller spaces and bears good crops.

  • Golden Sphere Cherry Plum Trees


    Particularly large, rather apricot-like beautiful golden fruits, a little sweeter too.

  • Gypsy Cherry Plum Trees


    Cherry red fruits of even quality and vibrant flavour.

  • Mirabell ‘de Nancy* Cherry Plum Trees


    A genuine French ‘Cherry Plum’ producing good yields of very round golden orange, red spotted fruits on a free growing round headed tree. Quite frost resistant and normally sets fruit well. Cherry Plums are our most popular ‘Connoisseurs’ fruit and exquisite flavour of Cherry Plum conserve is legendary. This French variety is the peak of perfection for flavour! The fruits are stone free.

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